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Aglonema Butterfly Plant


  • Water                : Moderate / Evenly Moist Soil
  • Light                  : Low / Indoor Condition
  • Growth Rate    : Medium
  • Air Purifying    : Yes
  • Pet Friendly     : No

    How to take care Aglonema Butterfly Plant

    You can growAglonema Butterfly Plant just about anywhere in your home. It tolerates low light well, but also grows well in bright spots. It doesn’t even need natural light to thrive. Aglaonema butterfly manis does just fine in offices with fluorescent lighting.

    The plant is equally low-care when it comes to water; you can water regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist, or water once every few weeks and Aglaonema butterfly manis will do equally well. It doesn’t require fertilizer, but will grow best if fertilized once or twice a year in spring or summer (or every six months) with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer.

    Aglonema Butterfly Plant is not recommended for human or animal consumption.

    Aglaonema Butterfly Manis Plants is a species of genus aglaonema categorized under Araceae plants family. Aglaonema is also known as Chinese evergreen. Aglaonema plants are attractive, varied, tough, drought-tolerant, low maintenance and hard to kill houseplants with colorful foliage. 

    For More Information Aglaonema 

    What you get :

    • Each package contains : 1 pics Aglaonema Butterfly Manis plant (7-10 inch)
    • Planter size : 4-6 inch plastic planter (Round Shape)

    Dos and Don’ts after receiving the plant : 

    • Do not re-pot the plant immediately after receiving. We’ve taken care of that with better pot and rich soil.
    • Keep the plant in indirect sunlight for 3 to 7 days.
    • Always check the soil moisture and keep the plant hydrated all time. Do not over water it.

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